Code of Canon Law
The ecclesiastical law of the Latin Rite Catholic Church as promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1983. |
2287 |
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Authoritative source of Church teaching covering the Creed, the Sacraments, Morality and Prayer. |
1588 |
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
Text with search facility |
3887 |
Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Promulgated in 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI, this work presents the essentials of the Catholic faith in an accessible question and answer format. |
1959 |
The New American Bible
A full online version of the Holy Scriptures. |
7680 |
Catholic Culture
Provides news, commentary and other resources to help Catholics foster an authentically Christian culture in the world. |
2285 |
Catholic Online
Web resource offering news, information and other services to Catholics exploring their faith. |
2005 |
A useful forum for Catholic news items. |
2577 |
Catholic Exchange
A web portal with resources aimed at furthering the New Evangelisation. |
2322 |
Catholic Answers
A comprehensive site devoted to explaining and defending the Catholic faith. |
2066 |
Catholic Truth Society
Features booklets on the faith as well as official documents from the Holy See. Materials are available to purchase online. |
2171 |
Catholic Ireland Questions and Answers
Thoughtful responses to a wide range of questions on matters of faith. |
2033 |
Provides answers to frequently asked questions about all tenets of the Catholic faith. |
1778 |
EWTN Document Library
Provides comprehensive access to Church documents with a search facility. |
1970 |
Our Sunday Visitor
Website of this Catholic publisher offering online articles and other faith-related material. |
2174 |
Catholic Educator's Resource
Website featuring an internet library of journal articles, essays, book excerpts, and other texts chosen for their objective, concise and clear presentation of Catholic teachings, history and culture. |
2606 |
New Advent
Provides lots of useful information including access to a Catholic Encyclopedia. |
2190 |
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
Published by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace in 2004. This document provides a concise and faithful overview of the Church's social teaching. |
1794 |
Catholic Social Teaching
A publication of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. It features a collection of Magisterial Texts on matters relating to politics, economics and culture. |
1895 |
International Cardinal Van Thuan Observatory
Instituted to promote the social doctrine of the Church at international level. It offers information and evaluation of the teaching and supports intitiatives to translate the doctrine into actions in various areas of society. |
2021 |
Your Catholic Voice
A US based group that seeks to educate and organize faithful Catholic citizens to serve the common good in society. It is based on Catholic social teaching and emphasises the four core pillars of life; family; freedom and solidarity. |
1896 |
Catholics United for the Faith
An international lay apostolate founded in 1968 to support, defend and advance the efforts of the Teaching Church in accord with the teachings of the Second Vatican Council. |
1979 |
An online resource for purchasing Catholic books and gifts. |
2019 |
Documents of the Second Vatican Council
This site features all 16 texts promulgated by the Council Fathers. These include 4 Constitutions, 3 Declarations and 9 Decrees. |
2041 |
Encyclicals of Pope John Paul II
The section of the Vatican website dedicated to the 14 Encyclicals written by John Paul in the course of his 27 year pontificate. |
1762 |