2nd August 2009

Mission Statement: Our Parish is a Christ-centred community. In Baptism we are challenged by the Spirit to live and share the Gospel message. Through proclaiming the Gospel message to all, Growth in Faith, Liturgy, Justice Issues and
Ecumenism we extend our love and care to all people providing support in renewing and deepening our faith. We value the gifts and talents of each of our Parishioners and invite them to use these in responding to Christ's invitation to all of us to follow Him and spread the Good News to the whole world.

St. John the Baptist Church, Garvaghy Road, (1777) - 1977
St. Patrick's Church, William Street - 1835

2nd August 2009
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass Times:
St. John the Baptist
Saturday   7 p.m.
Sunday      8.30 & 11.30 a.m.
St. Patrick's
Sunday    10 a.m.

Weekday Masses:
St. John the Baptist
Tuesday - Friday 7p.m.
St. Patrick's
Monday - Saturday  10 a.m.
Monday 7p.m. (Novena -
Miraculous Medal)

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays in St. John the Baptist Church beginning at 6 p.m.

Devotions 1st and 2nd Sunday

St. Patrick's
Saturday - 12.30 - 1.15 p.m.
St. John the Baptist
Saturday - 6.15 - 6.45 p.m.

Every Saturday, 5 p.m.
Registration for Baptism must be  made in St. John the Baptist Church, after Friday evening Mass, two weeks prior to date.

At least three months notice must be given to the Priests of the Parish.

Phone Numbers:  
Fr. O'Dwyer 38350610
Fr. White 38332218
Parish Mobile - Emergency No. 07841101850

First Friday Notices:
Confessions - Thursday 6th
St. Patrick's    6 p.m. - 6.30 p.m.
St. John's    7.30 p.m.
Masses - Friday 7th
St. Patrick's    10 a.m. (Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament 10.30 a.m. - 6 p.m.)
St. John's    7 p.m.
Fr. O'Dwyer will visit the sick and housebound as usual.

Ministers of the Eucharist
St. Francis - Bernadette Breen
St. John the Baptist, week beginning 3rd August Paddy Gorman.

Ministry of The Word
Week beginning 3rd August 10 a.m.
Peggy McKeever.  7 p.m. Michael Dennison
Sign-Up Sunday: 26th/27th
September - Parish based societies/groups/organisations should use this weekend to promote and recruit new members.

Parish Pastoral Centre - model and plans are in St. John the Baptist Church to view.

New website connects Pope Benedict to youth - check it out - Pope2you.

Thanks to all who helped clean the upper windows in St. John the Baptist Church, especially the Knights of Columbanus who organised the cleaning.

Fancy Climbing a Mountain?
Armagh Diocesan Day Pilgrimage to climb Croagh Patrick. Join other young people from our Parish and our Diocese aged 15-35years on Monday 10th August to climb this Holy Mountain. Names must be in by Monday 3rd at 11am - contact 38350610. Cost £10 and includes pick up point in Portadown. Parents and family members welcome to join the young people on the climb.

Pilgrimage to Taize and Paris - God bless and safe journey to our young people and leaders during their trip to France this week - a mixture  of pilgrimage, fun, culture, friendship.  Enjoy - bon chance.

Welcome home to all the teens and leaders who participated in the Ulster Project in Kansas and Delaware.  May your experience ripple through your families and circle of friends and our community for the good of all.  And a big thank you to all in America who hosted and organised in the various cities.  May God continue to work through and in all those involved.

PALS - no PALS group in St. Patrick's Church during August - will resume in September.

Feasts:  Tuesday 4th St. John Vianney (Cure of Ars; depicted in stain glass in St. Patrick's Church) - patron of this Year for Priests;
Wednesday 5th Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major; Thursday 6th The Transfiguration of The Lord; Friday 7th Ss. Sixtus II pope and Companions, martyrs;
Saturday 8th St. Dominic.

Offertory Collection - Sunday 26th
Total - £2417-95

GATE - Diocesan Youth Magazine
available in Churches - £1-50.

Requiescant In Pace
Lately deceased: Alice Fowler, Rose Toner, William Dougan, Eddie Cullen, Seamus McKeever, Elizabeth Tiffney
At This Time: James Quinn, Mary Donaghy, Philip Coleman, Mary Reid
Sunday 2nd: M.M. Kate Hamill, James Tiffney, Dan Murphy, Bridget Devlin, Teresa McCormick
Monday 3rd:  Bernard Dummigan, Gerry Loughlin, Tommy Connolly
Tuesday 4th:  Mona McCann, Patrick Devlin, Michael Turley, Patrick McStravick, Patrick McGurgan
Wednesday 5th:  M.M. James McAlinden, Michael Carvill, Patrick Kelly, Mamie Hamill, Rose Faloon, Patrick Mulholland, George White
Thursday 6th: Francis Brady, Elizabeth Tiffney, Mary McParland
Friday 7th: M.M. Laszek Grzesiak, Frances O'Neill, Michael Rowney, Bernard Neeson
Saturday 8th:  Finbar Kelly

Anniversaries late for bulletin should be left in the Sacristy for inclusion on the proper day.
When submitting notices for the bulletin please include a contact name and telephone number.
Notices and anniversaries should be left in by the Wednesday prior to publication.

We are challenged today to seek what will last.  Give Jesus, the Bread of Life, your priority and you will always be satisfied.  Contact Fr. Paddy Rushe 00353 42 93 34259.

St. Vincent De Paul Society
Clothes shop, tel. 38393898 or  Furniture shop tel. 38394219,  in Mayfair Business Centre, Garvaghy Road.  Opening hours Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.  Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.  NEW SELF HELP LINE - 38339639.  Response within 48 hours.

Armagh Diocesan Youth Council:The following pilgrimage/festival are available for young people: 13 - 16 August
Clonmacnoise (16 - 35).  For information contact 37525592.
ACCORD - The Armagh ACCORD centre, formerly known as CMAC, is celebrating its 40th anniversary later this year.  Were you involved? Are you ex staff?  Do you have any stories to share?  If you have any information or stories please contact the Armagh office on 02838334781 or email
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Youth 2000 Summer Festival, Clonmacnois - Thursday 13th - Sunday 16th August.  For young people aged 16 - 35, an opportunity not to be missed.  Donation only.  Free buses available from around N. Ireland.  For more information contact 07929095820 or check website

Playing for the Future - Summer Soccer Camp
Tuesday 11th to Friday 14th August from 10am to 2pm at St. John the Baptist primary School. Cost £25. To book a place please contact Thomas at 07821579451.

ACCORD Marriage Preparation Courses: in Armagh City
Hotel on 9th/16th/23rd September and 4th/11th/18th
November; in Cohannon Inn on 8th/15th/22nd September and 6th/13th/20th October and 3rd/10th/17th November. It is
important to book early even if your wedding is not until 2010. To book contact ACCORD Office at 38334781.

An Evening of Celebration and Song in the newly restored St. Patrick's Church, Dungannon on Friday 21st August at 8pm. The Church will be formally rededicated on Sunday 6th September. Artists on 21st include Susan McCann, Malachi Cush, Liam Lawton. Tickets available by contacting 87722631 or 87726893.

2nd August The Indulgence of St. Mary of the Portiuncula - originally granted to St. Francis of Assisi to those who visit the Portiuncula Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels in Assisi on this date. St. Francis had gone to this chapel one night and had a vision of Our Lord and his mother, Mary surrounded by a host of angels. When asked if he had a special favour, Francis
requested the grace of full pardon for all who, having confessed their sins, would visit the chapel. The small chapel is now in the Basilica at Assisi and the indulgence is extended to all who visit the Parish Church - St. John the Baptist Church in our case -  through to Sunday evening.

Tir na nOg GFC:  Back by popular demand `Strictly Come Dancing 2009'.  Anyone wishing to take part please contact B. Carville on 07706301311.

Bannside Development Centre: Bannside Scribblers
Mondays 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.  Arts and Crafts Classes from 7 - 8.30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.  English classes Thursday 10 a.m.  I.C.T. for beginners.  Phone 38339916.

I am the bread of life

The bread that feeds the body:
grown, harvested,
baked, prepared
by human hands.

the bread of God,
grown harvested,
baked, prepared
by the hands of God and our hands.

The bread of Jesus
is the compassion of God for us, his
the friendship and the forgiveness of God.
The aroma of fresh bread can fill a house
and fragrance of God's presence fills our lives,
especially when we most need it:

the peace of God at times of death,
the justice of God in hunger and homelessness,
the closeness of God when we feel lonely.

There could be no bread of life
without our co-operation:
And we bake that bread for the world;
we are grateful for the gift of Jesus:
for God's love in prayer
and for the care of God
experienced in the care of others.

As we hear the words of Jesus:
I am the bread of life,
may we also say,
with courage and thanks:
we are the bread of life.