Priests for Life
Resource aimed at all those who are interested in advancing the cause of the protection of human life. |
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Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC)
Organisation dedicated to defending and promoting the existence and value of human life from the moment of conception. |
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Precious Life
This group aims at developing, through education, a society in which all human life is valued and protected from conception to natural death. |
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Pro-Life Campaign
A non-denominational lobby group seeking full legal protection for the unborn child in Ireland. It promotes, through education, the defence of human life at all stages from conception to natural death. |
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Family and Life
Established in Ireland in 1996, it is an education and awareness organisation commimtted to the promotion of a culture of life. |
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Organisation established by the Catholic Hierarchy in Ireland in 1977 as a caring service for women in crisis because of an unexpected pregnancy. |
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Linacre Centre for Healthcare Ethics
A UK based centre that helps Catholics and others to explore the Church's position on a range of contemporary bioethical issues. |
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