11th December 2011

Mission Statement: Our Parish is a Christ-centred community. In Baptism we are challenged by the Spirit to live and share the Gospel message. Through proclaiming the Gospel message to all, Growth in Faith, Liturgy, Justice Issues and
Ecumenism we extend our love and care to all people providing support in renewing and deepening our faith. We value the gifts and talents of each of our Parishioners and invite them to use these in responding to Christ's invitation to all of us to follow Him and spread the Good News to the whole world.

St. John the Baptist Church, Garvaghy Road, (1777) - 1977
St. Patrick's Church, William Street – 1835

11th December 2011
Third Sunday of Advent
(Gaudete Sunday)

Mass Times:
St. John the Baptist
Saturday   7 p.m.
Sunday      8.30 & 11.30 a.m.
St. Patrick's
Sunday    10 a.m.

Weekday Masses:

St. John the Baptist
Monday 10am
Tuesday - Friday 7p.m.
St. Patrick's
Tuesday - Saturday  10 a.m.
Monday 7p.m. (Novena - Miraculous Medal)

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays in St. John the Baptist Church beginning at 6 p.m.

Devotions 1st & 2nd Sunday - October - June

St. Patrick's
Saturday - 12.30 - 1.15 p.m.
St. John the Baptist
Saturday - 6.15 - 6.45 p.m.

Every Saturday, 5 p.m.
Registration for Baptism must be  made in St. John the Baptist Church, after Friday evening Mass, two weeks prior to date.

At least three months notice must be given to the Priests of the Parish.

Phone Numbers:  
Fr. O'Dwyer 38350610
Fr. Sheehan 38332218
Parish Mobile - Emergency No. 07841101850

Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament in St. John the Baptist Church today commencing at 4 p.m. concluding with Benediction at 7 p.m.

The new prayers and responses to the Mass -  there are leaflets available with the new responses for use during Mass.  Parishioners are asked to use them and return them to the boxes provided.

Minister of the Eucharist
St.John the Baptist, week beginning 12th Paddy Gorman.

Ministry of The Word
Week beginnin 12th - 10 a.m. Tommy Mallon.  7 p.m. Mary Hamill.

Feasts:  Monday 12th Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Finnian;Tuesday 13th St. Lucy; Wednesday 14th St. John of The Cross.

Recent Baptisms:  Maisie Margaret Halfpenny, Samanta Domingas, Cayla Catherine Mead Liggett, Mamadu Lamarana Victor Sal, Max Cusack, Luke Denis Delaney

Sacrament of Marriage: congratulations to Cliodhna McCormac and James Davis who were married recently.

Coffee Morning in the Pastoral Centre  on Sunday 11th December after 8.30 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. Masses.  Proceeds to aid students to travel to Romania from their school. All support welcome.
Bible Study Group based on the Advent readings will meet in the Pastoral Centre on Monday mornings during Advent 11am to 12.15pm.  All welcome.  Tel: 38337753.

Confessions - next Saturday 17th after evening Mass; next Sunday 18th after 11.30 a.m. Mass.

Parish Pastoral Council meeting on Thursday 15th December after evening Mass.

Trocaire Global Gifts available to purchase after all Masses Weekend 17th/18th December.   `Change someone's World.'

St. Vincent De Paul - Christmas Appeal
10th - 18th December
Again we are asking you to give a donation via envelope to help others this Christmas.  Please post donations in the (envelopes provided) Post Boxes which will be available in the Churches from next weekend.  Your generosity will bring some joy and happiness to those in need and bring a blessing on yourself.  Thanksgiving Mass on Saturday 10th December in St. John the Baptist Church.

Book Shop:  Opening hours this week are as follows: Sunday 9 am to 1 pm; Monday 10.30 am to 12 noon; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday  6 pm to 8.30 pm.

Inter-Church Carol Service - Hope for Gloomy Days - on Friday 16th December at 8 p.m. at St. Gobhan's Church, Seagoe Parish, arranged by Portadown Inter-Church Forum.  All welcome.

Bulletin notices and anniversaries for 25th December and 1st January publications should be left in by Tuesday 20th December.

Offertory Collection
Sunday 4th - £2645.76
Thanks to all who contributed
Pastoral Centre: Cafe Bethany open after
10 a.m. Mass on Mondays
Requiescant in Pace
Lately Deceased:  Joey McAlinden, Nellie Toland, John Grimes, Terry McCoy, Fr. Peter Starrs, Maria
Adelaide Coiate, Canon Tomas Ó Sabhaois, Jim Treanor
At This Time: Pedro Da Silva, Joaquim Agostinho, Carlos Agostinho, Ryan Vistor, Mario & Violeta Gama,
Luciano Aleixo, Maria Agostinho, John Lappin, Lappin Family
Sunday 11th: Rory McGuigan, James Creaney, Eileen Mallon, Sheelagh O'Neill, Sr. Paula McDermott, Anthony Foy, Francis McGinley  
 Monday 12th: Annie McCooe, Dympna Fearnon, Teresa O'Hagan  
Tuesday 13th: Peter McCann(1st Anniversary), Karl Bugner Mercer, Mary Quinn, Vera Williams, Mary Jordan, Thomas Metcalfe, Edward Fearnon, Kitty Tennyson, Patrick Hughes  
Wednesday 14th: Henry Redmond(1st Anniversary), George Killops, Eugene Douglas, Geraldine Knox, John McClean, Felix
Donnelly, Noel Benson
Thursday 15th: Brian Loftus, Daniel Fearon, Molly Williamson, Rose Marie McParland, Jim Brennan   
Friday 16th: Laurence Crozier, Michael Davidson, Felix Devine, Nora McDonald, Pat McGarrity  
Saturday 17th: M.M. Vera Fearon, Margaret Fox, Joe Bailey, George Walker, John Kelly  
Anniversaries late for Bulletin should be left in the Sacristy for inclusion on proper day
When submitting notices for the bulletine please include a contact name and telephone number
Notices and anniversaries should be left in by the Wednesday prior to publication.

Bannside Development Centre:  Homework Club Monday & Tuesday 3.15 - 4.30 p.m.  £1 per day.  ICT Classes to be arranged.  Gentle Exercise Classes to be arranged.  Arts & Crafts Classes Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays 7 - 8.30 p.m.  Workshop / Craft Shop open Tuesday - Saturday.  Friends Cafe open every day.  For more information contact Carol on 38339916.
Bannside Knitting Club - Tuesdays 7 - 8.30 p.m. St. Mary's Hall - The Good Old Days.  Writing your Life History.  Do You Enjoy Singing?  Contact the centre for details of above activities.

St. Mary's A.B.C. (Boxing Club):  Training Thursday 8 - 12 yrs. old 7 - 8 p.m.  13 yrs plus 8 - 9 p.m.

ACCORD:  Venue and dates for Marriage Preparation Courses:  Course 1 - Quinn's Corner, 175 Ballygawley Road, Dungannon.  
Tuesday 10th, 17th and 24th January 2012.  The course runs for 3 weeks from 7 - 10 p.m.  Course 2 - Same Venue.  Tuesday 6th, 13th

Malachi Cush - Christmas Carols & Reflections - Friday 16th December at 8 p.m. SHARP in St. Patrick's Church, Keady.  
Admission by ticket only £10 - contact 37531242.

Richmount Rural Community Association - Be Seen at Night on Country Roads - Free reflective collars, toggles and bibs for 200 dogs starting Monday 5th December.  Lights for 200 Children's bikes, supplied and fitted free, starting 11th January 2012.  Further details from Joe Garvey 07934186635 or Geraldine Lawless 07737547439.

Ashgrove Community Centre:  Monday - 10 a.m. - 12 noon Crafts Class.  2 - 4 p.m. Seniors Art Class.  4 - 5 p.m. Indoor
Football (Junior 8 - 14 yrs.).  6 - 7 p.m. Street Dance Class ( 5 - 11yrs.) Tuesday 12 - 2 p.m. Seniors Luncheon Club.  5.30 - 6.30 p.m. & 7.30 - 9 p.m. Slimming World.  Wednesday 10 a.m. - noon Housing Executive Advice.  2 - 3.30 p.m. Ballyoran Senior Citizens Club. Thursday 12 noon - 2 p.m. Seniors Luncheon Club.  7.30 - 9 p.m. St. Malachy's Indoor Bowling Club.  8 - 9 p.m. Irish Language Class.For bookings etc contact Chris Cassidy 028 38 331650 or

Knights of St Columbanus thank all who supported the play, `Uncle Tommy's Wake' last Sunday despite terrible weather
conditions. Thanks also to sponsors: Costcutter, Litters Spar, McQuillans Menswear, Parkside Offsales.

St. Vincent De Paul Society
URGENTLY REQUIRED!!  Ladies, Men's and Children's clothing.  Clothes shop, tel. 38393898 or  Furniture shop tel. 38394219, Mayfair Business Centre.  Monday - Friday 10am- 3pm.  Saturday 10am - 1 pm.  
        SELF HELP LINE - 38339639.  Response within 48 hours.

Tir Na nOg: bingo every Tuesday 8.15pm All support needed.
Club Lotto - underage players will be going door to door selling tickets.
Friday 16th Microlip (pay at door).  Fri. 23rd Comedian Tim McGarry (from Hole in the Wall Gang) Ticket £5.

Christmas Carol Service - Craigavon Civic & Conference Centre, Thursday 15th December at 7 p.m. - hosted by the Mayor of Craigavon, Councillor Alan Carson.  Admission Free.  All welcome.  

Servite Priory, Benburb: Sunday 11th December, Advent Sunday Retreat.  A time for quiet prayer and reflection on the meaning of
Christmas.  10 a.m. - 5 p.m.  Offering £20 includes lunch.

St. John the Baptist Nursery School:  Application forms now available for free pre school places for September 2012 admission.  Closing date for applicatiobns Wednesday 11th January 2012 at 12 noon.  For more information call at the school or contact Mrs Murtagh 38339283.

Oran Fold - appartment to let. If you are 55yrs or over and want to see the benefits of living in a fold property please call Michelle at 38391918 to arrange your appointment to view.

Witness for the light

May my life speak as a witness for the light;
where there is darkness may I bring light
where there is loneliness, may I bring
where there is pain, may I bring healing.

May my words bring comfort to others,
as the morning dawn lightens the darkness,
and may my prayers  bring hope to others,
as the moon gives its light to the city.

May my touch lighten
the loneliness and fears of young and old,
and my my sufferings and struggles,
as these were part of the life of Jesus
and part of the life of Mary and Joseph,
bring hope and depth to others.
And when like the Baptist I cry,
in the wilderness of anxiety, fear and hopelessness,
may I be heard by God
and may the light of Jesus
lit in the love of Mary and Joseph,
shine through the ways I deal with pain
and comfort the pain of another.

May I believe
that each person,
like John the Baptist,
is a voice speaking the word of God.

May the way of Jesus Christ,
Prince of Peace, Son of God,
be bright in my soul and the souls of others.

