22nd July 2018 Bulletin

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Mass Schedule for Week Commencing Monday 23rd July 2018

Monday: No Mass

Tuesday: 7pm in St John the Baptist Church

Wednesday: 10am in St Patrick’s Church

Thursday: 7pm in St John the Baptist Church

Friday: 10am in St Patrick’s Church

Saturday: 10am in St Patrick’s Church


Other Notices 

  • 28th & 29th July 2018: Collection for Bishops Commissions (Blue Envelope) as well as the usual weekly white Offertory Envelope.
  • Registration for Baptisms will take place on THURSDAY this week instead of Friday.  
  • Relics of Saints Louis and Zelie Martin and their daughter, Saint Therese of Lisieux will visit St Patrick's Cathedral on Sunday 12th August 2018. The Relics will arrive at the Cathedral for the 11am Mass on that morning and they will leave at 9am on the morning of Monday 13th August. During that time, people will have an opportunity to come and venerate the Relics of the family that embodies what is best in family life and they offer a wonderful example of what a family can become.